Who is Dr. John?
Economist. Road Warrior. Chief Investment Strategist for Safanad. Private equity investor. CNBC talking head. Writer. Thinker. Senior Research Fellow at Claremont Graduate University. Honorary Professor of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Love math, physics and talking with people in their own languages. Advisor of many political leaders and hundreds of CEOs. Served on many boards. Most importantly, Husband of incomparable Pamela, Dad to the six best children in the world.
Why Should I Read This Letter?
Dr. John has a unique way of looking at the world. As a professor, he appreciates the importance of markets. As an investor who has fought his way through a half century of financial crises he knows how to preserve and grow capital in markets that don’t always work. Over the past 40 years, Dr. John has developed a framework for understanding the financial crises we all live through that combines the best of economics and a corner of physics known as complex adaptive systems. He calls it Far from Equilibrium Economics.
This newsletter is intended to give you a real-time running commentary on the major political, economic, financial, and investment events through Dr. John’s eyes. It is written in language that should help any investor understand what is going on and what to do about it.
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