I'm off to speak at the Yale China Conference today. You can find the agenda for the conference here, Yale China Conference Agenda.
Yesterday, Chinese President Hu spoke at Yale on China's Foreign Policy. This weekend The International Center of Finance at the Yale Business School's China Initiatives Program is hosting a 2 day conference of scholars, investors, and business leaders on investing in China. I will speak this afternoon in a session chaired by Roger Ibbotson on Private Equity investing and financial reforms in China. I will write about the conference later today.
If you are interested in the China economy or investing in China I suggest you take a look at the China Initiatives website. You will find some very thoughtful papers there on recent developments in regulations and capital controls.
I am actively working in both private and public equity investing in China now. In addition to my stock market activities, my friend Bob Mundell and I have recently formed Mundell Great Wall, a company in Beijing to identify, analyze, and raise capital for Chinese energy investments, as well as investments in other sectors. Our partners are some of the largest private companies in China. It is a fascinating way to get a look at the capital spending plans of Chinese companies. We are actively staffing up in Beijing now, which will take me to Beijing in 2 weeks. More on this in future posts.