I will have the chance to talk about telecom policy at a conference in Washington, DC tomorrow from 10AM-2PM at the Capitol Hill Hyatt. The conference, hosted by the Progress and Freedom Foundation (PPF), is to discuss a draft of PFF’s Digital Age Communications Act, produced by a broad working group from think tanks, industry, and government. Chip Pickering (U.S. Representatve), John Ensign (U.S. Senate), and Kathleen Abernathy (FCC Commissioner–the good one) will talk at the event, in addition to various members of the DACA Working Group. As a member of the DACA Advisory Committee, I will have a chance to comment on the proposed framework.
I will send you a summary of the conference tomorrow. This is an extremely important subject. The speed and quality of a country’s communications network has become the weapon of choice in the battle for global competitive position. Hint: we are losing. Under the weight of senseless regulations, the U.S. has fallen to 16th place. We need to start thinking of telecom policy as a core item in our national economic policy, not as an arcane subject for lawyers and regulators. More on this tomorrow.