China-US Youth Leadership Summit Keynote Talk
China-US Youth Leadership Summit. China-US Leadership Development Foundation.
Summary: I had the honor of working with my longtime extraordinary friend, Sunny LI Hong, to deliver the opening keynote address to a group of several hundred young people and entrepreneurs at the China-U.S. Youth Leadership Summit. In spite of the many issues that separate our two countries today, the young people remain convinced, as I do, that the next generation of leaders will find a way for the U.S. and China to work together. For our children and their children, whether our countries are friends or enemies is the only question that matters.
You can watch a short video of my talk by clicking on the image, above. And you can read the text of the article on the interview I did with Sandra, U.S. Bureau Chief for Sina Finance. Click here to view the article as it was written in Chinese, or click here to read a Google Translate version of the article in English. I hope you enjoy my comments.